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While women make up a small portion of those serving prison terms, they are the fastest growing in the criminal justice population. As the rate of female incarceration has increased the number of children impacted by maternal incarceration has also increased. Women face unique challenges as more often than not, prior to incarceration, they were the primary caregiver and/or the head of a single parent household. With that said we have listed resources and community partners who are committed to addressing the particular needs of our women returning to Onondaga County.

Si bien las mujeres representan una pequeña porción de las personas que cumplen penas de prisión, son las de más rápido crecimiento en la población de justicia penal. A medida que la tasa de encarcelamiento femenino ha aumentado, el número de niños afectados por el encarcelamiento materno también ha aumentado. Las mujeres se enfrentan a desafíos únicos ya que la mayoría de las veces, antes del encarcelamiento, eran las cuidadoras principales y / o la cabeza de una familia monoparental. Dicho esto, hemos enumerado recursos y socios comunitarios que están comprometidos a abordar las necesidades particulares de nuestras mujeres que regresan al condado de Onondaga.

Resources for Women

Exodus 3 Ministries
Exodus 3 Ministries is a faith-based organization that provides spiritual counseling, emotional, and practical support for hurting women and children in the community.

Women’s Opportunity Center/Displace Homemaker Program
Employment and training service for women.

Catholic Charities Emergency Shelter for Women
Syracuse shelter for homeless women; families as space permits.

Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
Supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for some women and children